Among the various terrains of the Cold War, sports had a special place. My project explores this question through two significant events. The first is the 1962 track and…
Social Sciences
Citizen movements in sub-Saharan Africa, in the wake of the Arab Spring, emerged in countries like Senegal, Burkina Faso, and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). One of…
Governments globally enact laws to mitigate climate change, often sidelining citizen voices, leading to dissatisfaction and linking the climate crisis to one of democratic…
This project uses the tools of genealogy, archival research, oral history, and DNA tests to investigate family ties and ruptures that arose in the context of colonial and…
Professor Hazel Markus and I aim to investigate the relationship between growing economic inequality and social cohesion by…
Conspiracy milieus tend to have a strong interest in science, showing in the constant display of professional qualities - ‘engineers’, ‘scholars’, ‘doctors’ - for many of…
This project investigates the mechanisms of financial exclusion that result in a significant portion of the population becoming unbanked…
My research involves examining the traces of colonialism and colonial history within experiences of mental disorders and their care in New…
This interdisciplinary project explores the effects of political language on democracy when it transitions to authoritarianism. Speeches by politicians, media houses and…
Identifying ways to reduce or reverse natural resources depletion trends while maintaining population well-being …
Universal access to quality, life-saving drugs is a key challenge faced by low-income countries. In 2017, the World Health Organization…
While being at Stanford, my aim is to extend my research on nuclear issues by working with Gabrielle Hecht and to prepare my thesis for publication.…
In the ancient Greek and Roman world, entire cities participated in the performance of hymns during religious festivals. These “cultural” and civic …
Power Struggle by Olga Kisseleva is a live battle between four anti-viruses commented by actor using the tone of an altercation or a political confrontation. Each anti-virus…