The Role of Social Assistance Programs in the Socioeconomic Incorporation of Immigrants. A Comparative Study of Latino Immigrants in France, Spain and in the United States

The project examines the role of social programs in the incorporation of Latin American immigrants in France and the United States. The project seeks to understand how immigrants interact with social assistance programs and how experiences with these programs affect (e.g. help or hinder) their incorporation into the host society. Specifically, this project seeks to comparatively analyze: (1) the policies put in place in each country; (2) the programs available for immigrants; (3) the use of these programs by immigrants; (4) the interactions between service providers and immigrants; (5) the consequences of such interactions on incorporation. This research will be based on original semi-structured interviews with Latin American immigrants in each country. The originality of this research relies on the international comparison The results will offer a better understanding of the way in which public and private sector program shape immigrant incorporation.


Academic Year
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