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The Sada Archive and Genetic Criticism Project

Christian Galdón

Daniel Sada is one of the most complex writers in the landscape of Latin American literature. Often compared to Joyce for his linguistic experimentation and rigorous attention to form, he has produced over 15 works of poetry, short stories and novels, leaving behind a plethora of genetic materials, the study of which will allow us to better understand his creative process, in all its specificity, and the dynamics of his poetics.

These documents (undated) can be divided into two types of materials: 1) preparatory materials coming from the pre-writing stage (outlines, lists, reading notes, drawings, notes from the practice of I Ching, maps, writing logs, agendas etc.), and 2) unfinished or “half-written” materials (two incipits, including one belonging to his second to last novel A la vista, and to “Eumelia,” one of his most celebrated short stories. This project will have three main focal points and three approaches: 1) the dynamics of style in Daniel Sada’s work (genetic approach) ; 2) the influence of I Ching on Sada’s writing, situating it within the context of Mexico and Latin American Literature (comparative approach) ; and 3) geographies, landscapes and images in Daniel Sada (geocriticism). The aim of this project is to relocate the Sada archive to Stanford University and to proceed with the comprehensive study of its contents, with the goal of publishing a monographic work on the author and organizing an international colloquium, which will broaden the attention given to this author worldwide.


Academic Year
Area of Study