Paris Saclay University FAST Lab
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FAST Laboratory (Fluides, Automatique et Systèmes Thermiques) is a CNRS research laboratory (UMR 7608), associated with University of Paris-Saclay currently ranked 15th (1st in Mathematics and 9th in Physics) in the Shanghai World Ranking . Its excellence lies in its combination of fundamental and applied sciences for innovation with societal impact. The different topics studied in the laboratory FAST are related to (bio)hydrodynamics and transfer in dispersed media. The systems under study are simple or multicomponent fluids, macroscopic and microscopic dispersed media (bio/suspensions, granular materials, porous media, fractures) and soft condensed matter (polymers, colloids, gels). Experiments (flow visualization, quantitative image analyzing, acoustic investigations, high resolution gravimetry, rheology) as well as analytical models and numerical simulations are developed.
Between 6/16/25 and 7/31/25.
Up to $7,000.
Grant recipients will be required to submit a three-page report within two weeks after their return.
Recipients for this internship must be enrolled at Stanford the quarter following the completion of the project for which they received funding. Thus, students who wish to pursue a fellowship the summer after their senior year may do so, but only if they apply for and receive permission from the University Registrar to enroll for a “graduation quarter” for the summer quarter. More information on graduation quarters can be found here.
Active particles are inherently out-of-equilibrium systems, able to uptake energy from their environment and convert it to motion. These systems are widespread in the biological world, from cellular Brownian motors such as kinesin and myosin to swimming microorganisms such as bacteria and microalgae. In this context, self-propelled and guiding capacities of some motile bacteria and microalgae make them interesting candidates for some potential applications in biomedicine and biotechnology. The unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a model microalga with a spheroidal shape (d =5-10 μm) and two anterior flagella of almost 10-12 μm long. The flagella beat with a frequency about 50 Hz to generate a jerky breaststroke motion leading to a net swimming speed of 100-150 μm/s. Phototactic features of this alga can be used to control its swimming direction: a rhodopsin eye, called eyespot, allows it to detect light in the environment. After reception of the light signal, the beating of the flagella is adjusted such that the cell can reorient itself and swims towards or away from the light. In our team, we investigate phototactic features of this microalga and its applications at different scales from microfluidic systems to photobioreactors.
Orsay (15 miles from Paris).
Undergraduate students (Freshman/Sophomore/Junior/Senior).
Language requirement
English is spoken in the lab. French is helpful, but not required.
The candidate should be motivated and eager to conduct experimental research in an interdisciplinary environment. She/He should be interested in one of these relevant subjects : (bio)physics, (bio)chemistry, biology, process or mechanical engineering. Previous experience (internship or project) with the following skills is appreciated but not mandatory: preparation of cell cultures, microscopy for cell tracking, image processing, Python, microfluidics.
Applicants should submit the following documents:
- Application form
- Itemized budget
- Letter to be addressed to the France-Stanford Center Director describing your research interests and why you are applying for the position. Please explain the nature of your background and skills in the relevant fields? Where and how did you acquire the relevant training? Are there particular courses you took, particular research projects you pursued, etc.? (1 page, ~ 800 words)
- Recommendation letter from the applicant’s advisor, discussing the applicant and the merits of the proposed visit (1 page). Request this recommendation on your application form
- Applicant’s resume (1 page)
- Unofficial Stanford transcript
Isabelle Collignon, francestanford [at] (francestanford[at]stanford[dot]edu)