Stanford Planting Farm

Projects Archive

Plasmas, or ionized gases, are key to many modern applications and are used, for example, in the production of thin films, space propulsion, wound sterilizat

Terrorist events in the name of radical religious doctrines have occurred worldwide.

This project will digitally map Le Vaillant’s journey from the account of his journey into the interior of the Cape of Good Hope (1781-83). The Voyage de M.

Fractured rocks play central role in a wide variety of environmental fields including hydrogeology, geothermal energy, hydrocarbon extraction, and long-term storag

Symbiosis is a close interaction between different species. The bacteria Wolbachia is the most common endosymbiont (a symbiont living within host cells) described to date.

Tissue regeneration through transplantation of therapeutic cells has the potential to revolutionize modern medicine.

The sensing, monitoring and control of environmental parameters are critical to sustainable development and managing our increasingly interconnected daily lives.

Deep-water wrecks are remarkably well preserved, protected from negative environmental factors (storms, strong currents, high temperatures), naval shipworm, rapid oxidation and, of course, all but

In the search for an alternative approach to chemotherapy against cancer, Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) has proven to be an effective treatment technique.

This collaborative team-based project focuses on the meaning of images in medieval culture as defined by Scripture, theology, and science; it analyzes iconography though epistemology uncovering the

Cancer develops when evolutionary forces act on mutated cells.

Power Struggle by Olga Kisseleva is a live battle between four anti-viruses commented by actor using the tone of an altercation or a political confrontation.