Waves & Jets Interaction in the Deep Tropical Pacific Ocean
Unlike the surface currents that have been extensively studied thanks to satellite observations, the oceanic deep circulation is poorly known. In the tropics, observational cruises have revealed the presence of energetic currents, which are able to transport and mix water masses and their biogeochemical properties, such as the oxygen content. As oxygen is one of the precursors of life in the ocean, this has thus major implications for the marine ecosystems and even for climate. The understanding of the physical processes driving this circulation remains however a great challenge. At the LEGOS in Toulouse and Earth System Science department at Stanford, we have a common interest in understanding and modeling the deep tropical circulation. This project aims at a joint effort to give insight on the possible mechanisms responsible for the deep currents. We will try in particular to answer the following questions: what is the energy source driving the deep circulation in the tropical Pacific Ocean? Do the equatorial waves play a role in energizing the currents? I will benefit from a close collaboration with Pr. Leif Thomas who has an extensive knowledge of wave interaction theories and with Bertrand Delorme who models mixing in the equatorial ocean.