Understanding the Spread of a Dominant Model in International Agricultural Research at the Beginning of the Green Revolution

Marianna Fenzi

In my project, I study the modes of production of agronomic knowledge within research programs that were established by the U.S. philanthropic foundations in the Global South during the second half of the 20th century. These programs financially and technically supported by the Rockefeller Foundation with the involvement of experts from the U.S. academic institutions, have been particularly important for the establishment and operating of the International Agricultural Research Centers (IARCs), which were among the most significant centers for the spread of principles and practices of the Green Revolution. Taking part in the France-Stanford Visiting Junior Scholar Program under the supervision of Dr. Mikael Wolfe will allow me to conduct research in several California and New York archives for surveying the plurality of possible scientific orientations, in particular in plant breeding, between the years 1950 and 1970. What knowledge and forms of scientific domination, resistance, and marginalization have shaped the establishment of IARC? Analyzing the definition of the problems, objectives and priorities, both in research and education, this work aims to contribute to better understanding the spread of a dominant model in international agricultural researches during the early phases of the Green Revolution.


Academic Year
Area of Study