Plasma and the Combustion Process

Nathaniel Simon

I conducted research on plasma as an intern at École Centrale Paris (in Paris). I worked with the E2MC Lab (Energétique Moléculaire et Macroscopique, Combustion), headed by Professor Christophe Laux, on the use of plasma to accelerate the process of combustion.

Using pulsed discharges (shocks of energy), the speed and efficiency of the combustion cycle can be increased, and the production of pollutants reduced. An application of this research would be the development of novel engine systems, including aerodynamic propulsion. In a day and age where fuel supply and climate change are dominant concerns, increasing the efficiency and reducing the environmental impact of engines is a top priority.

My specific task was to measure the energy of the specific pulses using sensors. Throughout this experience, I improved my skills as a researcher and my understanding of plasma physics, as well as enjoyed and explored French culture and country.


Academic Year
Area of Study