Humanities & Arts

Gabrielle Hecht, Department of History, Stanford University

Inside-Out Earth, the larger project of which African Airs is a part, explores the vulnerabilities and…

Arto Anttila, Department of Linguistics, Stanford University, Giorgio Magri, Université Paris 8, Paris

Phonology is the sub-discipline of linguistics that studies the sound systems of languages. Over the past two decades, phonology…

Nicole Bauer, The University of Tulsa

By the French Revolution, the drive for transparency was a defining feature of the political culture. Conspiracies and the fear of conspiracies were common and…

Amanda Zhang, Department of History, Stanford University

The Debuisson Collection has brought me closer to the history of Paris than I have ever been. Over the past quarter I have cataloged the…

Julie Zhu, Department of Music, Stanford University

The musical project Sum and Difference combines acoustic…

Justine Brisson, Sciences Po Paris, CERI, Paris

My research is at the crossroad between literature, philosophy and political theory. More precisely, I study the intertwined relations between politics, literature and…

Grant Parker, Department of Classics, Stanford University, Olivier Loiseaux, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris

This project will digitally map Le Vaillant’s journey from the account of his journey into the interior of the Cape of Good Hope (1781-83). The Voyage de M. le Vaillant dans…

My dissertation, “The Drama of our World: Spectator and Subject in Medieval Kashmir and Early Modern Europe,” is a comparative study on characterizations of the subject, the…

Christian Galdón, Paris 1/Paris 8 University, Paris

Daniel Sada is one of the most complex writers in the landscape of Latin American literature. Often compared to Joyce for his linguistic…

Chloe Edmondson, Stanford Introductory Studies, Thinking Matters, Stanford University

The objective of this project is to rethink the evolution of 17th and 18th-century letter-writing practices in France through an interdisciplinary approach that combines…

Lazare Lubek, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris

“Spectral” music, a contemporary movement initiated in the 70’s, uses the acoustic properties of sound as its main source material. In “…

Emre Daglioglu, Department of History, Stanford University

This project seeks to explore the ways in which capitalism as a social process was re-established, reorganized, and operated in the late Ottoman Empire, especially between…

Utku Asuroglu, Department of Music, Stanford University

It is an honor to be selected as a Visiting Student Researcher by the France Stanford Center and to carry out my research in technology…

Fiona Griffiths, Department of History, Stanford University, Emilie Kurdziel, University of Poitiers, Poitiers, France

Our project focuses on clerical celibacy in its medieval context—the celibacy rulings of the eleventh century and their Carolingian…

In the winter of 2021, I will be working remotely under Dr. Vincent Debiais at L…